Wednesday, October 31, 2007

BusinessObjects XI

Just now I'm playing with BusinessObjects XI(BO) to design the reports for customers demand. As for me, I'm more familiar with Crystal report than BO, a new era in IT to design the report to meet with customer requirements like crystal. I would like to mention(copy & paste) a few about BO. :P

BusinessObjects XI Release 2 is a complete suite of performance management, information management, reporting, and query and analysis software. It is consistently recognized as the industry’s leading business intelligence platform and enables companies to answer critical questions and share trusted insight across their organization. For additional information on BusinessObjects XI Release 2.

The key issued of using BO is that can create an environment where the users not required to know technically to view and retrieve the data for business decision and performance management.

I couldn't use not all BO tools from BO XI but designer and intelligence tools only. In BO designer, you need one dsn for DB connection to create the Universe which is the new interesting things in BO to make the relationship, joins & context between the tables. The BO intelligence tools seems like Crystal Report designer which can design the report with database fields and then can create the formula also. The main advantages is that can auto generate SQL and filter also.

I'm not very skillful in BO and just shared my experiences with new era. I think if you would like to play with BO, you will have some difficulties as it's lack of samples, source codes and information.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Day playing with command Line

Today I have to modify and create batch file which want to import list of text files with CVS format(deliminated by comma) to SQL Server 2000. The list of files are same filenames with different date and time eg.abcde_21061977_123600.txt,abcde_21061977_123611.txt. I need to create a new file which has a list of files name starting with "abcde". I also created the log file to trace the batch file is sucefully copied the data to the SQL server.

The source code of batch file is as follow.

@echo off
REM author By VICTORIA WIN, Oct 23 2007

REM Setting configuable variables

SET BCP_Datafile_path=D:\xxx\xxx\xxx
SET BCP_Batchfile_path=D:\xxx\xxx
SET BCP_Achrivefile_path=D:\xxx\xxx\xxx
SET BCP_Logfile_path=D:\xxx\xxx\xxxLogfile.txt


REM Set fixed varibles for username, password and server
SET BCP_TABLE_NAME=abc..xxtablename


Echo Running BCP Batch file >> %BCP_Logfile_path%
Date /t >>%BCP_Logfile_path%
Time /t>>%BCP_Logfile_path%
Echo ==========================================================>>%BCP_Logfile_path%
REM change the directory using file path
CD %BCP_Batchfile_path%

REM produce the list of files starting with indiaBoData
DIR %BCP_Datafile_path%\abcde*.txt /o:d /b>fileslist.txt
Echo BCP Export filename.txt Finished >>%BCP_Logfile_path%

REM Import the data from filename.txt to the SQL FSICopes DB
For /f "tokens=1" %%g in (%BCP_Batchfile_path%\fileslist.txt) do (

bcp %BCP_TABLE_NAME% in %BCP_Datafile_path%\%%g -c -t "|" -S%BCP_SERVER% -U%BCP_USERNAME% -P%BCP_PWD%

IF EXIST %BCP_Datafile_path%\%%g (move %BCP_Datafile_path%\%%g %BCP_Achrivefile_path%) ELSE (goto :errMsg)

REM Run SP_MF_Move_India_Data which import the data to MF_India_Data_Test from MF_Move_India_Data
osql -S%BCP_SERVER% -U%BCP_USERNAME% -P%BCP_PWD% -q "exit(exec abcDB..sp_xxxstoredProcedureName)"

Echo BCP Export %%g Finished >>%BCP_Logfile_path%

Echo IndiaBCP File Finished.>>%BCP_Logfile_path%

goto setvariable

Echo Error %ERRORLEVEL% Raised!!>>%BCP_Logfile_path%

REM set the variables
SET BCP_Datafile_path=
SET BCP_Batchfile_path=
SET BCP_Achrivefile_path=
@echo on

I just only shared and jotted my command line experience with BCP, SQL import and export utility from command prompt to SQL Server in this blog.
Only a few know..NOT MUCH..I beg you Plz not ask other command lines... HEeeeee hee :D :P.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

What is Web 2.0?

Frankly I haven't known about this before I joined my school. As soon as I heard this web 2.0, I was as keen as mustard about this. :D And also think how about web 1.0? I don't know even though web 1.0. :D he he

When I read and learn from the resources, I know about that. I would like to share a short note rather than long cuz it can save the time.

Web 2.0 is Technologies such as social tagging, blogs, wiki,social networking, mashup and etc.

Characteristic of web 2.0 are as follows.
.Web as a platform - foucs on service and content like Google, blogger because users can control the entire web as a platform.
.Lightweight programming models - SOAP webservice like Google Web API and RESTFul to allow the creation of API in the form of URL like Yahoo developer network
.Reusable sources of information - It's so clear like google API or Youtube API that you can reuse in your application
.Harnessing collective intelligence - That means there is medium for interaction and participation to form a new new interaction such as flickr &, google map. Early web form connect the different web sites by using hyperlik but web 2.0 like blogger you can connect other sites by using medium interaction.
.Richer user experience - In this web 2.0, more richer experiences for user to interact with the system by using AJAX such as Google MAP. You feel more interact with the system's action by browsing the map in the google.

It's an amazing technology which can make more easir to make API as your own, your template and design, and it's also more interactive.

Monday, October 15, 2007

About Job Hunting In singapore

Hi Pals,it was a little bit like gimmick for us to hunt the job in singapore. This post is just only sharing my experiences and knowledge when I was hunting the job at singapore in the software development field. You know I haven't much confidient in experience of developer in myanmar even though I have experiences about more than 5 years. In my experience in hunting the job, you can get the job easily if you have real experiences in myanmar and your speaking is also quiet fine as well. In my interview's experiences for applying software engineer or developer, let say like .dot net developer, first and foremost you must know about the execution of .NET Framework and how .NET work when a user/client(browser) requests to server via web page. I upload some links for .dot net questions at intervivew which is a common question in every interview tests. You can search more in typing at google search.
I should keep priority done to hunt job.

There is the most important when you are seeking the job in your career.
1. Good resume and cover letter.
2. Good in communication with interviewers.
3. IT knowledge and experiences.

1. I strongly recommend that there was a good resume template at that link, You can download and modify for your resume if you have no idea to create your own resume.

2. Most of the interviewers asked me about me and my experience. You should friendly communicate to the interviewer and frankly as well. :).

3. There was IT test for developer position so that you should study & learn before going the interview

My writing is not a classic style. :D :P
Just want to share my experience.
Have a fun !!
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