Monday, October 15, 2007

About Job Hunting In singapore

Hi Pals,it was a little bit like gimmick for us to hunt the job in singapore. This post is just only sharing my experiences and knowledge when I was hunting the job at singapore in the software development field. You know I haven't much confidient in experience of developer in myanmar even though I have experiences about more than 5 years. In my experience in hunting the job, you can get the job easily if you have real experiences in myanmar and your speaking is also quiet fine as well. In my interview's experiences for applying software engineer or developer, let say like .dot net developer, first and foremost you must know about the execution of .NET Framework and how .NET work when a user/client(browser) requests to server via web page. I upload some links for .dot net questions at intervivew which is a common question in every interview tests. You can search more in typing at google search.
I should keep priority done to hunt job.

There is the most important when you are seeking the job in your career.
1. Good resume and cover letter.
2. Good in communication with interviewers.
3. IT knowledge and experiences.

1. I strongly recommend that there was a good resume template at that link, You can download and modify for your resume if you have no idea to create your own resume.

2. Most of the interviewers asked me about me and my experience. You should friendly communicate to the interviewer and frankly as well. :).

3. There was IT test for developer position so that you should study & learn before going the interview

My writing is not a classic style. :D :P
Just want to share my experience.
Have a fun !!

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