Monday, November 5, 2007

Happy Holidays in Singapore

~~ I'm very happy in holidays since I was at childhood still an old lady at present. :P ~~ So that I collected the holiday information for 2008. Happy holiday in 2008. But so few... :( ~~~


eight tips to balance your food choice

Today I would like to share my health knowledge on my blog.
I notify my image is getting fat day by day like a apple - pear shape, with a plumpy tummy and big hips.. :D :P heee..hee.So that I'm a golf stage among my friends - the player(guy) kick as far as they can. Kidding :P. Regarding to one health article, there are many shapes among the people as follows.

brown 'Take care' area
your body shape - brown area

This means you will probably have a tall thin 'chilli' type of shape. This isn't desirable for good health so you need to take care. You may need to gain weight.

green 'OK' area
your body shape - green area

This means you will probably have a healthy 'pear' shape, which is a healthy shape. With this type of body shape, any excess fat is stored under the skin around the bottom, hips and thighs, which is less harmful to health than having an apple shape.

amber 'Take care' area
your body shape - amber area

This means you will probably have a 'pear-apple' shape, which means you should take care. Make sure you don't put on any more weight, especially if your measurements fall towards the upper end of the area.

red 'Action' area
your body shape - red area

This means you will probably have an 'apple' shape. With this body shape excess fat is stored deep below the skin in the stomach area, which will increase your risk of serious conditions such as heart disease, raised blood pressure, Type II diabetes and some types of cancer. Your health is likely to be at risk so speak to your GP about losing weight.

Most ladies in myanmar like pear-apple shape including me, fleshy tummy and big hips. I calculated my BMI and weight even though the result is acceptable, I look like fatty. I ate one plate of rice in the morning, full of plate with rich curry at lunch and dinner as well. I never missed the supper also. Sometimes I think if i m going to have everyday like this, I cannot add the year to live heathy and happy.

Frankly I couldn't do exercise because I was lazy to get up early and also did the exercise as well. The only way is i should think about my eating. I try to less the foods which have more saturated fat like milk, cake, biscuit and so on. I found one health journal, there are eight tips for eating well on daily. Let see the picture first.

1. Base your meals on starchy foods
starchy foods - rice, cereal,bread, potatoes.

2. Eat lots of fruit and veg
let try to east five portion of variety of fruit and vegetable every day.(eg. you could have:

* a glass of juice and a sliced banana with your cereal at breakfast
* a side salad at lunch
* a pear as an afternoon snack
* a portion of peas or other vegetables with your evening meal

3. Eat more fish

4. Cut down on saturated fat and sugar
you can check the food label how much fat contain in your buy food.

5. Try to eat less salt - no more than 6g a day

6. Get active and try to be a healthy weight
you should try to weight your body and check your body measurement.So that you notice and balance about your health and weight.

7. Drink plenty of water
you should drink 6 to 8 glasses of water(1.2 liters) and drink other fluid to stop getting dehydrated. As I know is people should drink minimum 1.5 liters every day.

8. Don't skip breakfast
Breakfast can help give us the energy we need to face the day, as well as some of the vitamins and minerals we need for good health.Skip breakfast is not related getting thin for people.

I chose to balance my eating style at least three or four days per week. It's not for beauty but for healthy. I would like to go gym also but I couldn't because here is bitterly expensive for gym. But I would like to do soft exercise like aerobic, jogging, walking rather than hard exercise to be a good circulatory and respiration. Up to now my weight neither increase nor decrease but I feel I'm a little lighter than before. :P "koe bar thar ar pay ya tal.."

Have a nice day..frd!! We should be smarter than yesterday...Not harder to do this..urs frd..(pretty fat win) heeeee heee

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

BusinessObjects XI

Just now I'm playing with BusinessObjects XI(BO) to design the reports for customers demand. As for me, I'm more familiar with Crystal report than BO, a new era in IT to design the report to meet with customer requirements like crystal. I would like to mention(copy & paste) a few about BO. :P

BusinessObjects XI Release 2 is a complete suite of performance management, information management, reporting, and query and analysis software. It is consistently recognized as the industry’s leading business intelligence platform and enables companies to answer critical questions and share trusted insight across their organization. For additional information on BusinessObjects XI Release 2.

The key issued of using BO is that can create an environment where the users not required to know technically to view and retrieve the data for business decision and performance management.

I couldn't use not all BO tools from BO XI but designer and intelligence tools only. In BO designer, you need one dsn for DB connection to create the Universe which is the new interesting things in BO to make the relationship, joins & context between the tables. The BO intelligence tools seems like Crystal Report designer which can design the report with database fields and then can create the formula also. The main advantages is that can auto generate SQL and filter also.

I'm not very skillful in BO and just shared my experiences with new era. I think if you would like to play with BO, you will have some difficulties as it's lack of samples, source codes and information.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Day playing with command Line

Today I have to modify and create batch file which want to import list of text files with CVS format(deliminated by comma) to SQL Server 2000. The list of files are same filenames with different date and time eg.abcde_21061977_123600.txt,abcde_21061977_123611.txt. I need to create a new file which has a list of files name starting with "abcde". I also created the log file to trace the batch file is sucefully copied the data to the SQL server.

The source code of batch file is as follow.

@echo off
REM author By VICTORIA WIN, Oct 23 2007

REM Setting configuable variables

SET BCP_Datafile_path=D:\xxx\xxx\xxx
SET BCP_Batchfile_path=D:\xxx\xxx
SET BCP_Achrivefile_path=D:\xxx\xxx\xxx
SET BCP_Logfile_path=D:\xxx\xxx\xxxLogfile.txt


REM Set fixed varibles for username, password and server
SET BCP_TABLE_NAME=abc..xxtablename


Echo Running BCP Batch file >> %BCP_Logfile_path%
Date /t >>%BCP_Logfile_path%
Time /t>>%BCP_Logfile_path%
Echo ==========================================================>>%BCP_Logfile_path%
REM change the directory using file path
CD %BCP_Batchfile_path%

REM produce the list of files starting with indiaBoData
DIR %BCP_Datafile_path%\abcde*.txt /o:d /b>fileslist.txt
Echo BCP Export filename.txt Finished >>%BCP_Logfile_path%

REM Import the data from filename.txt to the SQL FSICopes DB
For /f "tokens=1" %%g in (%BCP_Batchfile_path%\fileslist.txt) do (

bcp %BCP_TABLE_NAME% in %BCP_Datafile_path%\%%g -c -t "|" -S%BCP_SERVER% -U%BCP_USERNAME% -P%BCP_PWD%

IF EXIST %BCP_Datafile_path%\%%g (move %BCP_Datafile_path%\%%g %BCP_Achrivefile_path%) ELSE (goto :errMsg)

REM Run SP_MF_Move_India_Data which import the data to MF_India_Data_Test from MF_Move_India_Data
osql -S%BCP_SERVER% -U%BCP_USERNAME% -P%BCP_PWD% -q "exit(exec abcDB..sp_xxxstoredProcedureName)"

Echo BCP Export %%g Finished >>%BCP_Logfile_path%

Echo IndiaBCP File Finished.>>%BCP_Logfile_path%

goto setvariable

Echo Error %ERRORLEVEL% Raised!!>>%BCP_Logfile_path%

REM set the variables
SET BCP_Datafile_path=
SET BCP_Batchfile_path=
SET BCP_Achrivefile_path=
@echo on

I just only shared and jotted my command line experience with BCP, SQL import and export utility from command prompt to SQL Server in this blog.
Only a few know..NOT MUCH..I beg you Plz not ask other command lines... HEeeeee hee :D :P.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

What is Web 2.0?

Frankly I haven't known about this before I joined my school. As soon as I heard this web 2.0, I was as keen as mustard about this. :D And also think how about web 1.0? I don't know even though web 1.0. :D he he

When I read and learn from the resources, I know about that. I would like to share a short note rather than long cuz it can save the time.

Web 2.0 is Technologies such as social tagging, blogs, wiki,social networking, mashup and etc.

Characteristic of web 2.0 are as follows.
.Web as a platform - foucs on service and content like Google, blogger because users can control the entire web as a platform.
.Lightweight programming models - SOAP webservice like Google Web API and RESTFul to allow the creation of API in the form of URL like Yahoo developer network
.Reusable sources of information - It's so clear like google API or Youtube API that you can reuse in your application
.Harnessing collective intelligence - That means there is medium for interaction and participation to form a new new interaction such as flickr &, google map. Early web form connect the different web sites by using hyperlik but web 2.0 like blogger you can connect other sites by using medium interaction.
.Richer user experience - In this web 2.0, more richer experiences for user to interact with the system by using AJAX such as Google MAP. You feel more interact with the system's action by browsing the map in the google.

It's an amazing technology which can make more easir to make API as your own, your template and design, and it's also more interactive.

Monday, October 15, 2007

About Job Hunting In singapore

Hi Pals,it was a little bit like gimmick for us to hunt the job in singapore. This post is just only sharing my experiences and knowledge when I was hunting the job at singapore in the software development field. You know I haven't much confidient in experience of developer in myanmar even though I have experiences about more than 5 years. In my experience in hunting the job, you can get the job easily if you have real experiences in myanmar and your speaking is also quiet fine as well. In my interview's experiences for applying software engineer or developer, let say like .dot net developer, first and foremost you must know about the execution of .NET Framework and how .NET work when a user/client(browser) requests to server via web page. I upload some links for .dot net questions at intervivew which is a common question in every interview tests. You can search more in typing at google search.
I should keep priority done to hunt job.

There is the most important when you are seeking the job in your career.
1. Good resume and cover letter.
2. Good in communication with interviewers.
3. IT knowledge and experiences.

1. I strongly recommend that there was a good resume template at that link, You can download and modify for your resume if you have no idea to create your own resume.

2. Most of the interviewers asked me about me and my experience. You should friendly communicate to the interviewer and frankly as well. :).

3. There was IT test for developer position so that you should study & learn before going the interview

My writing is not a classic style. :D :P
Just want to share my experience.
Have a fun !!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Microsoft new Surface computer

WOW..It is a very wonderful stuff....!!!. Now you can act what you want by using the surface computer. Microsoft introduces one computer which looks a coffee-table shaped computer that responds to touch and to special bar codes attached to everyday objects.

You can see its power, magic and possibilities by clicking here. Great computer!!

"....The machines, which Microsoft planned to debut Wednesday at a technology conference in Carlsbad, Calif., are set to arrive in November in T-Mobile USA stores and properties owned by Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc. and Harrah's Entertainment Inc.
Surface is essentially a Windows Vista PC tucked inside a shiny black table base, topped with a 30-inch touchscreen in a clear acrylic frame. Five cameras that can sense nearby objects are mounted beneath the screen. Users can interact with the machine by touching or dragging their fingertips and objects such as paintbrushes across the screen, or by setting real-world items tagged with special bar-code labels on top of it.
Unlike most touchscreens, Surface can respond to more than one touch at a time. During a demonstration with a reporter last week, Mark Bolger, the Surface Computing group's marketing director, "dipped" his finger in an on-screen paint palette, then dragged it across the screen to draw a smiley face. Then he used all 10 fingers at once to give the face a full head of hair.
With a price tag between $5,000 and $10,000 per unit, Microsoft isn't immediately aiming for the finger painting set. (The company said it expects prices to drop enough to make consumer versions feasible in three to five years.)
Some of the first Surface models are planned to help customers pick out new cell phones at T-Mobile stores. When customers plop a phone down on the screen, Surface will read its bar code and display information about the handset. Customers can also select calling plans and ringtones by dragging icons toward the phone.
Guests sitting in some Starwood Hotel lobbies will be able to cluster around the Surface to play music, then buy songs using a credit card or rewards card tagged with a bar code. In some hotel restaurants, customers will be able to order food and drinks, then split the bill by setting down a card or a room key and dragging their menu items "onto" the card.
At Harrah's locations, visitors will be able to learn about nearby Harrah's venues on an interactive map, then book show tickets or make dinner reservations.
Microsoft is working on a limited number of programs to ship with Surface, including one for sharing digital photographs.
Bolger placed a card with a bar code onto Surface's surface; digital photographs appeared to spill out of the card into piles on the screen. Several people gathered around the table pulled photos across the screen using their fingertips, rotated them in circles and even dragged out the corners to enlarge the images — behavior made possible by the advanced graphics support deep inside Windows Vista.
"It's not a touch screen, it's a grab screen," Bolger said.
Historically, Microsoft has focused on creating new software, giving computer programmers tools to build applications on its platforms, and left hardware manufacturing to others. (Some recent exceptions include the
Xbox 360 and the Zune music player, made by the same Microsoft division that developed Surface.)
For now, Microsoft is making the Surface hardware itself, and has only given six outside software development firms the tools they need to make Surface applications.
Matt Rosoff, an analyst at the independent research group Directions on Microsoft, said in an interview that keeping the technology's inner workings under wraps will limit what early customers — the businesses Microsoft is targeting first with the machine — will be able to do with it.
But overall, analysts who cover the PC industry were wowed by Surface.
Surface is "important for Microsoft as a promising new business, as well as demonstrating very concretely to the market that Microsoft still knows how to innovate, and innovate in a big way," said Michael Gartenberg, an analyst at Jupiter Research....."

By JESSICA MINTZ, AP Business Writer

very Cool Computer!! Frd, i want to touch this.. :D :P

Reference : Microsoft unveils new Surface computer

Funny responses from Student (NTU)

: D ..So funny responses ..Prof share the responses of the student from NTU (S'pore) :P


Our pagoda..

~~ Our Country...Golden Myanmar..Night View ~~


The day which i surfed Zorpia

I spent my time by surfing the net this noon. I found the Zorpia site which has a lote of ppl to post their photos, music and journals. It's the cool site,, which you need to sign up if you want to become a member like friendster, myspace or other site. It can know your friend stay online or not but I heard this site is very restricted for uploading of music especially for english music. The members can be banned if their uploading music are copied from other album without permission. I like one song and want to share with you. If you're free and want to listen can be get from there.

Do you like it? For me, i love it. It makes me to feel deeply when I listen. I was getting the internet sick cuz I spent a lot of time touching with the net.. Huuu... one day passed and I'm getting older than before... :D :P but I'm better than before (Knowledge). I hope so...:P

Friday, June 8, 2007

Greenstone Research..

I'm starting to work as a research assistant to my Guru after finishing my exam. The research is to create the digital library for myanmar which will use myanmar unicode font. I faced a problem with myanmar unicode to see with the browser. This myanmar unicode,myanmar2.ttf, doesn't supports in myanmar font so that i used the firefox browser, Deer Park.

Greenstone is the open source software for creating digital library. It can support mutilingual, muti-platform, OAI, Dublin core metadata and so on. Among the digital libraries' software tools, greenstone is the most famous software in order to establish the digital library.

But Greenstone 3.2 or 2.72 cannot support to index or search myanmar unicode even though it can index with lucene properly. If you are interesting in digital library, you can surf and browse here.

Lucene is the search engine. It can index and search the documents by analyzing and tokenizing the word into index. There are so many versions for lucene such as perl, C++, java, .net and so on. You can see the book and example code from manning publishing.

I'm not successfully in doing this research. I had already done round about three weeks and supended them for other publication because it needs to do a lot for this. Just only share my exprience in this.


Monday, May 14, 2007

....Up to now I'm quiet free and reading so many blogs which are written by myanmar blogger. I like this kind of interesting things like blogging, sharing information with each other. Nowadays, blogging is very popular among social communities. People want to post the blog not only personal but also all which they want to publish... I want to also create one blog. I hope it makes me relief from my home-sick... ^0^ ... Starting from this day...i dun know till when ? :D

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